Welcome to the Inventors room. Where we will help your little ones become confident, resilient, independent little people all while providing learning rich experiences and teaching them the important skills needed for their next big journey to school!
We make sure we welcome children & their families into our inventor’s room, with warm, friendly faces. Ensuring the classroom makes you feel at home and cosy; a home from home feel.
We are passionate about allowing children to be independent and not putting any limitations on their play & learning.
We understand the importance of life skills being taught to children from an early age & we focus on, self-regulation, social skills, communication & physical development – the vital core skills needed to be ‘school ready’.
Before your little one starts in our room, we will invite you in with your little one for some settling in sessions. During this time, we get to know you as a family. We will also spend time getting to know all the important things about your child, from who is part of their family/pets, their dislikes of foods, what their favourite activities/stories are and so on. All of this helps us to get to know your child before they start, which then will allow a smooth and positive settling in.
This is always a very popular topic; ‘How are you ensuring my child is school ready?’. With many years of experience, we ensure we provide lots of opportunity to ensure children have the skills they need to be ready for that next big step to school.
Everything that is embedded in our day-to-day routines and activities are important opportunities that are helping children to meet the milestones and develop the characteristics that are needed for children to have a smooth, happy, and positive transition to school. It mirrors everything that has been said above and each box that is listed above is supporting your child in each way possible to ‘be school ready’.
We also work very closely with our feeder schools when the time comes for children to start their transition to school; arranging visits for teachers to visit us here at nursery, reports and extra meetings made with teachers if necessary.
On arrival, your little one will always be greeted with warm, happy welcomes by their key workers.
We will ensure we find out all the important information from you, to ensure we meet their needs right from the get go.
Their morning will start with cuddles until they are settled and ready to go off and explore.
Once everyone has arrived the children have together time, the children sing their good morning song & they choose if they would like singing or story time.
The Inventors will then have time to explore and investigate their environment. Staff will have set up engagements for the children to meet their schemas and age and stage of development.
Our experienced staff will be closely observing throughout your child's free play, to mindfully step in for 'teachable moments', where we will follow our 'in the moment planning' teaching approach.
Children will have the choice of indoor or outdoor play throughout the morning.
At 10:00am, it is snack time, your little one will enjoy a nutritious snack and choice of drink.
After snack all children are encouraged for outdoor play time.
11:30am the children will enjoy story time together, to help regulate their bodies before lunch.
11:45am is Lunch time. We join the toddlers for lunch in the hall.
After lunch has finished the Inventors will have a choice of a quiet time activity, this will be either yoga, a story, visual imagination or they can choose to snuggle up in the quiet area.
Once calm time is finished, the children engage in their own play again. Our experienced staff will be closely observing throughout your child's free play, to mindfully step in for 'teachable moments', where we will follow our 'in the moment planning' teaching approach.
Throughout the afternoon, children have the choice to play indoors or outdoors.
2pm is snack time.
2:30pm - All children encouraged to play outide.
3:30pm - Together time, where we will share a story together before some of us go home.
4:00pm is high-tea time. Again in our room, we sit together and enjoy a high-tea to keep our tummies full before our tea at home later.
Each child is celebrated for their differences & abilities in the Inventors. That is why the curriculum we follow & teaching approach is perfectly suited for doing just that.
By following the interests of the children, having focus children weekly, close parent partnership and allowing the children to be the leaders in their play and learning; we can tailor our teaching, while enhancing their learning in every aspect.
Children learn through play and when we meet them where they are at, this builds rich learning experiences that embeds in their brains.
Your little ones learning and development will be extended through their current interests and wonders all‘ 'In the moment’ and everything will stem from THEM
will ALWAYS be interacting and engaged with them. Showing a real interest in their ideas and interests. Finding out what they individually need and what works to help them thrive in all areas of learning. What we do for one child may not work for another child and we tailor our care and teaching to each one in a nurturing, passionate way.
we are a very outdoor based nursery. We know that outdoor play has so many benefits to children’s development and mental health. Outdoor play encourages children to become aware of limits, challenges, and boundaries this also allows children to develop independence, experiment risk-taking, develop self-confidence and self-esteem, reduces stress all while investigating the natural world around them and burning off energy!
In the Inventors room we set up invitations to play each day. We ensure that we base them around the children’s currents interests and schemas that they are going through in the current moment – this makes sure it engages the children and has meaning behind it. We are inspired by Reggio Emilia’s approach to early childhood education. The Reggio philosophy “encourages children to learn through exploration, by providing materials that ‘invite them to play’ in a creative, non-directive way”; which matches our teaching approach
Becky, Katrina & Gemma (photo coming soon)
Becky has been here since 2021 and worked her way up to supervisor role.
She enjoys making relationships with the children and supporting their Personal and social development. Becky loves exploring the outdoors with the children and enjoys taking them on walks to investigate the natural wold around them,
Katrina started with us this year September 2024 & is our most creative member of staff! She loves creating invitations to learning and development with her art skills. Katrina is able to meet the needs of the children by offering exciting play provocations that enhance their learning. Katrina runs her own baby and toddler group on a Friday, which is all messy play related.
Gemma started with us in 2023. Gemma used to be a Nanny & also worked for an Early years agency company, meaning she has the skills to adapt to all ages and stages of development.
Gemma has a real skill at being able to understand children and their needs, allowing her to support & tailor their development and learning with nurture.